Integration boleto Itau Shopline in PHP


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I’m trying to develop an integration with the Itau Shopline online ticket system in PHP, but every time I send the data to the communication URL I receive a page with this message:

Encryption problems or the value field is incorrect. Enter contact with SOS Itaú Bankline.

Originally the script for authentication is in Java, but I found this class in PHP which was recreated based on the original Java class.

What could be the reason for this mistake?

  • Did you ever contact SOS? the message is well Enerica, I believe they can give more information.

  • I’ve tried all the numbers, but the support of Itau is horrible almost null, impossible to talk to the phone numbers they give, always busy, or when answers transfer you to both attendant that the call falls

  • The encryption key has a time to propagate, how long have you generated it ?

  • As I do not have access to the client’s account, he who generated and sent me by e-mail, the same was sent to me at 4:00 yesterday. How long to spread?

  • The time is up to 24 hours if I’m not mistaken, wait a little longer, It may also be that your client has generated with minute letter, wait to give 24 hours or a little more, try again, if not just getting in touch even, but is probably one of these two options.

  • I saw that in the configuration panel of Itau you inform the domain of the site that will use the system, as I am performing the local tests, this can be a problem, or does not interfere in anything?

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In that link says so:

This error is related to Key, and may cause the wrong registration of the key in the module settings, or because after the generation of the Key the same delay up to 24hrs for release, in the latter case, wait for the release and try again, in case the error persists contact Itaú informing the occurrence.


Good morning,

Just to contribute to other people going through the same situation I’ve been through, the problem actually is that the damn documentation tells the client that he must generate the encryption key in lowercase on the bankline but you in the code must necessarily use it in upper case.

$encrytionKey          = strtoupper('1g2a3u4h88s10201');

It was just doing that and that hideous popup (thing of the past that) opened. Here for us it’s time to update yourself on these methods, they do not know REST no ?

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