How to call a variable from others?


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My intention is that the code goes through 9 Textbox checking if they are filled with names or empty.

For each Textbox filled would be added 1 in a counting variable and would be allocated the text of the Textbox in another variable (P1,P2,P3..... P9).

The problem is: how to allocate the text in the variables p, considering the final number the same number of the counting variable?


Dim Cont As Integer
Dim P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 As String

If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
   Cont = Cont + 1
   ("P"&Cont) = TextBox1.Text <<< Essa parte que não sei escrever
End If

The intention at the end is to rotate a random number between 1 and the variable "cont" and randomly select 3 names registered in the variables P. That is, then it would be necessary to call the variables P by the number that was found by the random and register in some label, etc.

  • 2

    Why don’t you create a array with these names and then search the indexes randomly?

2 answers


I believe that there are several options to ask what question, I would suggest using a Array to that end, as follows:

Dim CAMPO As Control
Dim DADOS As Variant
Dim i As Integer

' Configura seu array com a quantidade de dados '9' no caso citado
ReDim DADOS(9, 2) As String

    i = 1

    For Each CAMPO In Me.Controls
        ' Verifica se é do tipo TextBox
        If TypeName(CAMPO) = "TextBox" Then

            ' Aqui pode-se verificar se 'CAMPO' está vazio e dar uma mensagem ao usuário, por exemplo
            ' if CAMPO = "" then
            '     MsgBox "ups"
            '     Exit Sub ' Ou Function...
            'End if

            DADOS(i, 1) = CAMPO.Name
            DADOS(i, 2) = CAMPO
        End If

I hope I’ve helped!

  • Thank you very much Evert, I still didn’t know how to use arrays, but the LINQ comment made me research on the topic and its response complemented with what I needed to solve the problem. In these queries, I also found that you can put all textboxes inside a frame and call them in the array structure as follows: Frame1.Controls(0) <<< would be zero to the number of elements within the frame. Thank you all, you helped me so much! Hugs

  • 1

    Thanks! Good luck there!


You can call the instance using a string:

Dim NameOfMyClass As String = "ConsoleApplication1.MyClassA"
Dim MyInstance As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(NameOfMyClass)) 

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