How to paginate a foreach of a file_get_contents?


Viewed 253 times


I am consulting an API that provides me data formatted in JSON, I collect it through file_get_contents and then print all the values using a foreach. However there are many values, more than 5,000 items, I need to page them, I tried to limit them using an array_slice but I cannot display the rest of the values when changing the page number.

I am using the following code for data collection:

$url            = 'URL_DA_API';
$servers_zip    = file_get_contents($url);
$servers_raw    = gzdecode($servers_zip);
$json           = json_decode($servers_raw, true);

To create the loop use the following:

foreach (array_slice($json['GET'], 0, 50) as $index=>$sv)

Finally my pagination is like this:

function paginacao($quantreg,$numreg,$url){
        global $paginas;
        global $pg;
        $quant_pg = ceil($quantreg/$numreg);

        // Verifica se esta na primeira página, se nao estiver ele libera o link para anterior
        if ($pg > 0) { 
            echo '<li class="prev"><a href="'.$url.'&pg='.($pg-1).'">Anterior</a></li>';

        // Faz aparecer os numeros das página entre o ANTERIOR e PROXIMO
        for($i_pg=1;$i_pg<$quant_pg;$i_pg++) { 
                // Verifica se a página que o navegante esta e retira o link do número para identificar visualmente
                if ($pg == ($i_pg-1)) { 
                        echo '<li class="active">'.$i_pg.'</li>';
                } else {
                        $i_pg2 = $i_pg-1;
                        echo '<li><a href="'.$url.'&pg='.$i_pg2.'">'.$i_pg.'</a></li>';

        // Verifica se esta na ultima página, se nao estiver ele libera o link para próxima
        if (($pg+2) < $quant_pg) { 
                echo '<li class="next"><a href="'.$url.'&pg='.($pg+1).'">Próximo</a></li>';

The first page is displaying everything perfect, number of items, page numbers, by clicking on a number "page 58" it returns the url of page 58 however with page 1 values. :(

Somebody help me?

1 answer


You need to paginate the data in the Slice array. Considering that the first page has Dice zero, it would look something like this:

foreach (array_slice($json['GET'], $pag * $reg_por_pag, $reg_por_pag) as $index=>$sv)
  • Didn’t work Júlio, confirms me which values will be in $pag * $reg_por_pag, $reg_por_pag

  • In $pag you should go the page number, starting with zero, in $reg_per_page the number of records on each page. If I understand the way you’re doing.

  • That’s right, it worked. I noticed that the error was not in the values I was entering, but in the item identifier of the array. I tried to index them through $index, but when I change the $index Zera page again. How could I index these results?

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