View images in the database with a separate cakephp file


Viewed 69 times


I am using phpcake as an administrator of a photo gallery, the images are saved inside the webroot/img/galleries/ folder for each category a folder is created following a numbering. Up to there everything is working.

The problem is when I list the images in a file outside of phpcake only using pure php, I use the following code to call the images

    $photos = $conexao->query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE galeria_id = $album_id");
        while($photo_data = $photos->fetch_assoc()) { ?>
        <div class="col-lg-4">
<img class="img-responsive" src=admin/webroot/img/galerias/"<?php echo $photo_data['galeria_id'] ?><?php echo $photo_data['image'] ?>" />
    <?php }

After that it returns me an error in the console of Chrome 403 (Forbidden) the in the path of the photo it adds %222bb1d11f-ea8a-4a27-b6f8-f28b1e5098ea.jpg%22 those %222 at the beginning and end of the image. I just wanted to put the id that is equal to the folder number and then the path that is saved in the image.

1 answer


Place double quotes at the beginning of the image path:

src="admin/webroot/img/galerias/`<?php echo $photo_data['galeria_id'] ?><?php echo $photo_data['image']` ?>"

And make sure that this is even the image address, because I’m pretty sure there’s a bar (/) missing between the codes php, and I’m also pretty sure that there’s something missing or missing at the beginning of the path...

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