Generate columns with repeat Primefaces


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I’m unable to generate these columns dynamically with the p:repeat of the Primefaces.

Is there no way to do this in Primefaces? Or is there no way to do it? There is a better solution?

The problem is this, I have an array with the headers I need to generate the columns and depending on how this array is, they will be generated n counas.

<p:dataTable value="#{managedbean.dados}" var="dado">
    <p:column headerText="Header 1">
        <h:outputText value="#{dado.nome}"/>

    <p:repeat value="#{managedbean.colunas}" var="coluna">
        <p:column headerText="#{coluna}">
            //por enquanto ainda não fiz a lógica para pegar a coluna correta que vou extrair de 'dado'

Example situation:

If I have the array colunas as follows:

colunas[0] = "coluna0" 
colunas[1] = "coluna1" 
colunas[2] = "coluna2"

I would want 3 columns to be generated in the table, from that array

Header1 | coluna0 | coluna1 | coluna2
  • I’m not sure that would work. But you already have the data formed and want to display the columns in a conditional way? (Using the classic example of Individual and Legal Person, display one column with CPF and another with CNPJ, and the attributes already exist in the entity). If so, I think it would be better to use the rendered in p:column.

  • @Marcusmartins will improve the post, not only that, but I will need the rendered.

1 answer


Only use the <p:columns>, passing the array by the variable value and using the variable var

<p:columns value="#{managedbean.colunas}" var="coluna" headerText="#{coluna}">
    <h:outputText value="valor desejado"/>

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