I cannot retrieve JSON in jQuery


Viewed 63 times


I’m having trouble showing off uf in the following situation:

$.post("<?php echo site_url('Welcome/viacep'); ?>",
    {cep: cep}, 

But when I change the Alert to alert(dados), the JSON appears complete.

What am I doing wrong?

  • how is your json returning?

  • http://viacep.com.br/ws/30626620/json/{ "cep": "30626-620", "patio": "Rua Joaquim Teixeira Dias", "complement": "", "neighborhood": "Cardoso (Barreiro)", "locality": "Belo Horizonte", "Uf": "MG", "unit": "", "ibge": "3106200", "Gia": ""&#Xa";}

3 answers


Maybe you have to parse json:

$.post("<?php echo site_url('Welcome/viacep'); ?>", {cep: cep}, 
        var dados = JSON.parse(response);
, 'json' );
  • When I call JSON.parse, that’s when nothing works.

  • My json is coming like this:

  • http://viacep.com.br/ws/30626620/json/{ "cep": "30626-620", "patio": "Rua Joaquim Teixeira Dias", "complement": "", "neighborhood": "Cardoso (Barreiro)", "locality": "Belo Horizonte", "Uf": "MG", "unit": "", "ibge": "3106200", "Gia": ""&#Xa";}

  • everything worked out here.


You need to convert this JSON that was received as text to a Object. You can use the JSON.parse, same native Javascript, as follows:

let obj = JSON.parse(dados);

The manipulation you use the obj instead of dados.


jQuery also has a function to deserialize JSON, $.parseJSON, but is considered obsolete, so you can use the pure Javascript as in the example given above.

As of jQuery 3.0, $.parseJSON is deprecated. To parse JSON strings use the Native JSON.parse method Instead. Source


Try it this way:

$.getJSON("//viacep.com.br/ws/"+ cep +"/json/?callback=?", function(dados) {

        if (!("erro" in dados)) {
            //Atualiza os campos com os valores da consulta.
        } //end if.
        else {
            //CEP pesquisado não foi encontrado.
            errosend("CEP não encontrado.");
  • Thank you adventistaam! It worked perfectly.

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