Upload firebase information to Recyclerview - Android Studio


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My app stores customer information in Firebase and downloads it to a Listview, but I need to do a search with the information in Listview. I was told that the best way to do it is to use a Recyclerview with Searchview. The problem that I’m a little lost, with listview I used Firebaseui that made it easy to load the data from Firebase. But with Recyclerview apparently I have to create a Viewholder class (what I’m doubting, do I have to create really?), and I couldn’t get the Firebaseui documentation right for Recyclerview. Someone has some tutorial, or tip for this, I am researching a lot, so any information can be useful. Thank you.

  • Can load an Arraylist<>() with firebase information?

  • Might be a really good option, I’ll try.

  • I think with Hashmaps also from.

  • Were you able to load some data structure with the firebase information? Here I give you the Adapter schematics

  • So I found a way with the Adapter itself, but if you want to send me for comparison.

  • I managed to do using Firebase Recyclerview and an Adapter. Now I need to do a search in Recyclerview.

  • Could you post the code? Basically it would be to filter the data structure used, set this data to the Adapter and then Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(), but it depends on the way it is implemented

  • I used it as a reference, so it looked good. : https://github.com/mmazzarolo/firebase-recyclerview/tree/eb8621eeab838e9f6b82bfaa50dcb057e1831821

  • but I will need to find another way, have some hint to create the Adapter?

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