Pdostatement::rowCount returns -1


Viewed 183 times


I need to know how many records were entered in the query below.

public function CadastraCliente() {
    try {
        $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("
            INSERT INTO SISCli (CdInscricao,DsEntidade,DsApelido,InInscricao,InCadastro,DsEndereco,NrCEP,NrInscricaoEstadual,NrCGCCPF,NrTelefone,DtCadastro,CdEmpresa,DsEMail,DsUSuarioInc,InClassificacaoFiscal,DsBairro)
            right( ('00000000' + cast(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF as varchar)), 14) as [CdInscricao],
            ESP353_XML.DES_DsEntidade AS [DsEntidade],
            ESP353_XML.DES_DsApelido AS [DsApelido],
            0 AS [InCadastro],
            ESP353_XML.DES_DsEndereco AS [DsEndereco],
            ESP353_XML.DES_NrCEP AS [NrCEP],
            ESP353_XML.DES_NrInscricaoEstadual AS [NrInscricaoEstadual],
            case when LEN(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF) > 11
            then right( ('00'+ cast(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF as varchar)), 14) 
            else right( ('00000'+ cast(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF as varchar)), 11) 
                end as [NrCGCCPF],
            ESP353_XML.DES_NrTelefone AS [NrTelefone],
            GETDATE() AS [DtCadastro],
            case when SISCEP.DsUF='SP' then '4' 
            when SISCEP.DsUF='PR' then '3'
            when SISCEP.DsUF='SC' then '12'
            ELSE '1' END
            as [CdEmpresa], 
            ESP353_XML.DES_DsEMail as [DsEMail],
            'EdiXML' AS [DsUSuarioInc],
            substring(ISNULL(ESP353_XML.DES_DsBairro,0),1,15) as [DES_DsBairro]
            FROM ESP353_XML
            where not exists (select 1 from SISCli A WHERE cast(A.CdInscricao as numeric) = cast(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF as numeric))
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e;

What I’ve already tried:

$count = $stmt->rowCount();
  • Always returns zero? what’s the problem with the code?

  • have you tried to make count() ? What $stmt->rowCount(); returns ?

  • Returns -1 when I give the print_r in the $count

  • You want the number of queries executed or the number of Updates and Inserts executed?

  • De update’s and Insert’s executed. How many lines have been affected, the same return it shows when running directly in sgbd.

  • @Kevin. F try to run rowCount after the commit and tell me what happened.

  • It keeps returning -1, after I run this function call it in the view, so I wanted to show how many were executed (in my case registered).

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4 answers


According to your comment, you are getting -1 when running $stmt->rowCount().

This indicates, that the query - in your case a INSERT - was invalid. What does this mean? Probably some parameter (name of a column for example) is incorrect.

Take a test, take the statement and run directly through your DBMS or terminal. If you return any errors, it is for the reason I explained above. Anyway, the formatting of your query using PDO is correct.

Do the following:

  • In executing that query, see if the data were entered in the database.

  • If the answer is yes, run the rowCount after the commit.

  • If the answer is no, please use $this->conn->errorInfo() to check if there really is an error in the syntax.

  • It is strange, because I already I went straight to the sgbd and it worked normal. And even if I returned something would enter the catch.

  • @Kevin. F is likely to have wrong/syntax values(a) since the query is huge it increases the chance of errors

  • @13dev but ae would go into Exception isn’t it? I think the problem might be in commit and not in query (I’m not sure).

  • @Guilhermenascimento Not because he’s captured from the class Exception and not of PDOException, (in this case you should capture the 2), @Kevin. F tries to capture both classes

  • 1

    @13dev yes I had noticed this, as I put it in my reply, but I’m not quite sure of the PHP behavior in Try/catch, so I said I wasn’t sure

  • @Kevin. F Take a look at the response issue.

  • 2

    @Kevin. F How can I not answer other comments for lack of reputation... The reason to use the attribute array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL) is because it creates a cursor for the query, which allows you to iterate over the result set without fetching the entire result at once... So that the rowCount.

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Add the attribute array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL) as described in documentation:

You would Most commonly use this to set the PDO::ATTR_CURSOR value to PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL to request a scrollable cursor. Some drivers have driver specific options that may be set at prepare-time.


You can normally use this to set the PDO::ATTR_CURSOR with the PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL value to request a "scrollable pointer". Some drivers have options that can be set at "preparation time" (prepare(...))

An example would look like this:

 $sql = "
        INSERT INTO SISCli (CdInscricao,DsEntidade,DsApelido,InInscricao,InCadastro,DsEndereco,NrCEP,NrInscricaoEstadual,NrCGCCPF,NrTelefone,DtCadastro,CdEmpresa,DsEMail,DsUSuarioInc,InClassificacaoFiscal,DsBairro)
        right( ('00000000' + cast(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF as varchar)), 14) as [CdInscricao],
        ESP353_XML.DES_DsEntidade AS [DsEntidade],
        ESP353_XML.DES_DsApelido AS [DsApelido],
        0 AS [InCadastro],
        ESP353_XML.DES_DsEndereco AS [DsEndereco],
        ESP353_XML.DES_NrCEP AS [NrCEP],
        ESP353_XML.DES_NrInscricaoEstadual AS [NrInscricaoEstadual],
        case when LEN(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF) > 11
        then right( ('00'+ cast(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF as varchar)), 14) 
        else right( ('00000'+ cast(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF as varchar)), 11) 
            end as [NrCGCCPF],
        ESP353_XML.DES_NrTelefone AS [NrTelefone],
        GETDATE() AS [DtCadastro],
        case when SISCEP.DsUF='SP' then '4' 
        when SISCEP.DsUF='PR' then '3'
        when SISCEP.DsUF='SC' then '12'
        ELSE '1' END
        as [CdEmpresa], 
        ESP353_XML.DES_DsEMail as [DsEMail],
        'EdiXML' AS [DsUSuarioInc],
        substring(ISNULL(ESP353_XML.DES_DsBairro,0),1,15) as [DES_DsBairro]
        FROM ESP353_XML
        where not exists (select 1 from SISCli A WHERE cast(A.CdInscricao as numeric) = cast(ESP353_XML.DES_NrCGCCPF as numeric))

$stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL));

And change:

 } catch (Exception $e) {


 } catch (PDOException $e) {
  • Now, what does that attribute do array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL) ?

  • @Kevin. F is because PDO is a class used for different types of banks and by default this is not configured, so as the link http://php.net/manualen/pdo.prepare.php#refsect1-Pdo.prepare-Parameters explains that it is usually necessary to set it like this, but if it’s another type of database maybe it’s not necessary or works differently, I can’t say precisely because I don’t know the source of PHP.


To complement the existing answers I will give an example, how you can capture the two classes (PDOException, Exception) in the same Try:

try {
  $stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO minha_tabela (id, name, password)    VALUES (NULL, :name, :password)");
  $stmt->bindValue(":name", $_POST['name']);
  $stmt->bindValue(":password", $_POST['password']);
  $count = $stmt->rowCount();
  echo $count . " Utilizador adicionado com sucesso ";

} catch (PDOException $e) {
  echo "DataBase Error: O utilizador não pode ser adicionado.<br>".$e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo "General Error: O utilizador não pode ser adicionado.<br>".$e->getMessage();

So you can capture General / Database error, which will help you greatly in debug of the code.



You can use the method rowCount which returns the number of rows affected by the last DELETE, INSERT or UPDATE running by the last object PDOStatement.


public int PDOStatement::rowCount ( void )


/* Exclui todos registros da tabela 'frutas' */
$del = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM frutas');

/* Retorna o número de linhas que foram excluídas */
$count = $del->rowCount();
print("Excluídas $count linhas.\n");

To Mysqli

You can use the method affected-rowsof mysqli:


int mysqli_affected_rows ( mysqli $link )


$mysqli->query("UPDATE Language SET Status=1 WHERE Percentage > 50");
printf("Linhas afetadas (UPDATE): %d\n", $mysqli->affected_rows);

Reference: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.affected-rows.php

  • 1

    the author is using PDO

  • I put the example to PDO

  • 2

    but still does not answer my question

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