Am I trying to connect mysql in php?


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Good afternoon

I’m trying to connect mysql to php, because it’s generating the following error " Call to Undefined Function mysql_conect()", someone please help me

  • 2

    mysql_connect() it seems that 1 n is missing.

  • Thank you very much Thank you

  • I will only put as answer after you put as right. Clicking on the transparent V, then it turns green! Thanks!

  • This question seems to be out of date because it is about a typo in the source code, and will hardly be useful for future visitors.

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    About ask OP pro give Accept, has already been discussed at the goal. Now, ask Accept for a "practically comment" I find even more forced...

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    @Rogerscorrêa, the destination of this type of questions is the removal/delete/evaporation, leading upvotes and accepts with her. It’s best to focus on quality questions. Begging accepts not elegant, not... check out the meta post linked by Bacco.

  • But he needed help :P

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1 answer


Missed an N instead of conect would be connect mysql_connect(blabla);, I must warn you that in future versions of PHP (3years?) your code will stop working, and if you are working for a client, this will be bad, since mysql_connect was discontinued (will be removed in the future), moreover it is more insecure.

I suggest you start using mysqli or PDO, basic tutorial links: (mysqli) (PDO)

I hope I’ve helped.

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