Send null date if not filled in


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How do I enter a date null in that capacity?

    $data_saida = $this->post('data_saida');

    //aqui pega a data se não for vazia e formata
    if($data_saida) {
        $arraydata = explode("/", $data_saida);
        $diamontado = $arraydata[2].'-'.$arraydata[1].'-'.$arraydata[0];
        $data_saida = $diamontado;

The problem is that this date is not mandatory and if the user does not put anything on form, it saves a date like 0000-00-00.

  • Is the field type in DBMS date and configured to allow nulls? Problems of this type are more related to the way the query inserts a null value.

  • Yes, date and null

1 answer


You need to concatenate the quotes (') with the date, so that in the else can send null. Here’s an example based on your code:

$data_saida = $this->post('data_saida');

//aqui pega a data se não for vazia e formata
if($data_saida) {
    $arraydata = explode("/", $data_saida);
    $diamontado = $arraydata[2].'-'.$arraydata[1].'-'.$arraydata[0];
    $data_saida = "'" . $diamontado . "'";
} else {
    $data_saida = "NULL";

$sql = "INSERT tabela (campo_data) VALUES ($data_saida);";

Thus, the possible outputs of the variable $sql would be:

INSERT tabela (campo_data) VALUES ('2017-08-22');


INSERT tabela (campo_data) VALUES (NULL);
  • He entered inside Else, but still does not play NULL, I tested putting a value type 2017-02-02 and he returned this value, but when I put the "NULL" he keeps returning 0000-00-00

  • Keeping our friend’s code above I’ll leave an example of a table that saves date as null. CREATE TABLE seubd.new_table ( ID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, data_insercao DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL, nome VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID)); the big secret there is in the setting in the default value of the column 'DEFAULT NULL'. abs.

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