Google Maps does not load (php include)


Viewed 218 times


The map worked normally on a separate page, but when included with the PHP include function it simply doesn’t work, it loads nothing. I already checked the file paths and are correct, Javascript codes work.


php map.:

<div class="panel panel-default">
    <div style="padding: 26px; padding-top: 6px;">
        Este é o mapa do servidor com informações reais atualizadas há 60 segundos ou menos, clique nos ícones para visualizar os detalhes. 
        Para um nível maior de zoom utilize a versão satélite do mapa.

    <div style="width: 100%; height: 80%;" id="divMap"></div>

<script src=""></script>
<script src="../include/SanMap/js/SanMap.min.js"></script>

    var mapType = new SanMapType(0, 1, function (zoom, x, y) {
        return x == -1 && y == -1
        ? "../include/SanMap/tiles/map.outer.png" 
        : "../include/SanMap/tiles/map." + zoom + "." + x + "." + y + ".png";

    var satType = new SanMapType(0, 3, function (zoom, x, y) {
        return x == -1 && y == -1
        ? "../include/SanMap/tiles/sat.outer.png" 
        : "../include/SanMap/tiles/sat." + zoom + "." + x + "." + y + ".jpeg";

    var map = SanMap.createMap(document.getElementById('divMap'), 
        {'Mapa': mapType, 'Satélite': satType}, 2, null, false, 'Mapa');

        function GetTeamName2($team)
            $Team = array(
            0 => array('tNome' => "USA", 'tSkin' => 287, 'tCor' => 0x009DFF, 'tGZCor' => 0x0000FF, 'tGTCor' => "~b~~h~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -320.2578, 1 => 2719.4568, 2 => 62.6875, 3 => 202.8093)),
            1 => array('tNome' => "Rússia", 'tSkin' => 285, 'tCor' => 0xFF4800, 'tGZCor' => 0xFF4800, 'tGTCor' => "~r~~h~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -136.1105, 1 => 1116.5667, 2 => 20.1966, 3 => 0.0)),
            2 => array('tNome' => "Europa", 'tSkin' => 73, 'tCor' => 0x00FF00, 'tGZCor' => 0x00FF00, 'tGTCor' => "~g~~h~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -1408.5350, 1 => 2672.5684, 2 => 71.5672, 3 => 153.8131)),
            3 => array('tNome' => "Iraque", 'tSkin' => 122, 'tCor' => 0xFFBB00, 'tGZCor' => 0xFFBB00, 'tGTCor' => "~y~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -754.8708, 1 => 1590.7395, 2 => 26.9609, 3 => 0.0)),
            4 => array('tNome' => "Austrália", 'tSkin' => 206, 'tCor' => 0xF700FF, 'tGZCor' => 0xF700FF, 'tGTCor' => "~p~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -754.8708, 1 => 1590.7395, 2 => 26.9609, 3 => 0.0)),
            5 => array('tNome' => "Mercenário", 'tSkin' => 137, 'tCor' => 0xFFFFFF, 'tGZCor' => 0xFFFFFF, 'tGTCor' => "~w~~h~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -754.8708, 1 => 1590.7395, 2 => 26.9609, 3 => 0.0))
            return $Team[$team]['tNome'];

        function GetTeamGZColor($team)
            $Team = array(
            0 => array('tNome' => "USA", 'tSkin' => 287, 'tCor' => 0x009DFF, 'tGZCor' => 0x0000FF, 'tGTCor' => "~b~~h~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -320.2578, 1 => 2719.4568, 2 => 62.6875, 3 => 202.8093)),
            1 => array('tNome' => "Rússia", 'tSkin' => 285, 'tCor' => 0xFF4800, 'tGZCor' => 0xFF4800, 'tGTCor' => "~r~~h~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -136.1105, 1 => 1116.5667, 2 => 20.1966, 3 => 0.0)),
            2 => array('tNome' => "Europa", 'tSkin' => 73, 'tCor' => 0x00FF00, 'tGZCor' => 0x00FF00, 'tGTCor' => "~g~~h~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -1408.5350, 1 => 2672.5684, 2 => 71.5672, 3 => 153.8131)),
            3 => array('tNome' => "Iraque", 'tSkin' => 122, 'tCor' => 0xFFBB00, 'tGZCor' => 0xFFBB00, 'tGTCor' => "~y~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -754.8708, 1 => 1590.7395, 2 => 26.9609, 3 => 0.0)),
            4 => array('tNome' => "Austrália", 'tSkin' => 206, 'tCor' => 0xF700FF, 'tGZCor' => 0xF700FF, 'tGTCor' => "~p~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -754.8708, 1 => 1590.7395, 2 => 26.9609, 3 => 0.0)),
            5 => array('tNome' => "Mercenário", 'tSkin' => 137, 'tCor' => 0xFFFFFF, 'tGZCor' => 0xFFFFFF, 'tGTCor' => "~w~~h~", 'tGZ' => 0, 'tSP' => array(0 => -754.8708, 1 => 1590.7395, 2 => 26.9609, 3 => 0.0))
            return sprintf("%06X", $Team[$team]['tGZCor']);

        $query = mysqli_query($conectar, "SELECT * FROM gangzones");
        $row = 0;
        while($dados = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query))
            $pl = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($conectar, "SELECT Nome FROM contas WHERE ID=$dados[Dominador]"));
            $row = $dados['ID'];
            echo "
            var flagInfoWindow".$row." = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                content: '<h3>$dados[Nome]</h3><p>Controlado pela equipe <b>".GetTeamName2($dados['Equipe'])."</b></p>'
            var flagMarker".$row." = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: SanMap.getLatLngFromPos($dados[cpX], $dados[cpY]),
                map: map,
                icon: '../include/SanMap/icons/red_flag.gif'
            google.maps.event.addListener(flagMarker".$row.", 'click', function() {

            $Xfrom = $dados['minX'];
            $Yfrom = $dados['minY'];
            $Xto = $dados['maxX'];
            $Yto = $dados['maxY'];
            $color = GetTeamGZColor($dados['Equipe']);

            echo "
            var pfrom".$row." = SanMap.getLatLngFromPos($Xfrom, $Yfrom);
            var pto".$row." = SanMap.getLatLngFromPos($Xto, $Yto);

            new google.maps.Rectangle
                    strokeColor: '#FF0000',
                    strokeOpacity: 0.8,
                    strokeWeight: 0,
                    fillColor: '#".$color."',
                    fillOpacity: 0.35,
                    map: map,
                        north: pto".$row.".lat(), //X to
                        south: pfrom".$row.".lat(), //X from
                        east: pto".$row.".lng(), //Y to
                        west: pfrom".$row.".lng() //Y from
        $query = mysqli_query($conectar, "SELECT * FROM contas WHERE Online=1 AND ".time()." - OnlineT < 300");
        $row = 0;
        while($dados = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query))
            echo "
            var playerInfoWindow".$row." = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                content: '<h5>$dados[Nome]</h5><p>Score: <b>$dados[Score]</b><br><a href=\'perfil?p=$dados[ID]\' target=\'_blank\'>Ver perfil</a></p>'
            var playerMarker".$row." = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: SanMap.getLatLngFromPos( $dados[X] , $dados[Y] ),
                map: map,
                icon: '../include/SanMap/icons/player.gif'
            google.maps.event.addListener(playerMarker".$row.", 'click', function() {

            $_GET['gz'] = (int) $_GET['gz'];
            echo "

    //Indicador de posição (alert onclick)
    google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event) {
        var pos = SanMap.getPosFromLatLng(event.latLng);
        alert(pos.x + "," + pos.y);



cod/ucp/module/map.php    Mapa
cod/ucp/index.php         Arquivo onde é incluído o mapa
cod/include               Diretório de includes

Old structure (where the map worked):

cod/ucp/map.php     Mapa
cod/include         Diretório de includes
  • Your question is very wide. Try to describe the problem better, read the link

  • All right, edited question.

  • Which page path do you want to read the map.php? Remember that Javascript pages have path relative to the file displayed, so the normal reference inside the file map.php should be changed to find the path from the current page, no more than map.php.

  • Check the structures at the end of the question, the map.php is being included within cod/ucp/index.php and the paths within the map.php are related to index.php and not the ucp/module/map.php.

1 answer


Problem solved.

Was not specified width and height in pixels in div where the map is loaded.

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