Login without differentiating between capital letters and minusculas?


Viewed 525 times


I am making a login system. In the table is registered a user "User01", when the customer will log in if he puts it in the field "user01" I want it to be valid anyway.

Here’s the code I’m using.

$Name = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['Name']);
$Pass = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['Pass']);
$PassMD5 = md5($Pass);

$result1 = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$Name' && userpass = '$PassMD5' LIMIT 1";
$result2 = mysqli_query($conn, $result1);
$result3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2);

    echo "SUCCESS";
    echo "FAIL";
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    Mariadb(mysql), version PHP 7.1

3 answers


// Converta o nome de usuário em minúsculas
$username = strtolower($Name);

// Use LOWER () para converter o nome de usuário em minúsculas
$result1 = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE LOWER(username)='$username' && userpass = '$PassMD5' LIMIT 1";


Since you do not know how it is being stored, use the COLLATIONS CASE INSENSITIVE to carry out this work:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username COLLATE utf8_general_ci = '$Name' && userpass = '$PassMD5' LIMIT 1";

For accentuation is also used the latin1_general_ci.

Here is the list of collations supported by MariaDB.


The simplest way would be convert the strings before comparison:

$result1 = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE UPPER(username) = UPPER('$Name') && userpass = '$PassMD5' LIMIT 1";
  • If I were to use this conversation (for the letters to be uppercase), in the database would have to this "USER01"?

  • When comparing the two (both the database data and the login of the user who wants to log in) must be uppercase. In the answer I put the two (UPPER(username) = UPPER('$Name')). NOTE: using the function the letters are only uppercase in the comparison, not changed in the base.

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