I’m having difficulty opening a Modal with Vue, I’m using Vuetify, I can open, as they show in the documentation, but I can’t open, just by clicking on a button (for example).
<v-dialog v-model="dialog" width="600px">
<span class="headline"></span>
<v-btn class="green--text darken-1" flat="flat" @click.native="dialog = false">Fechar</v-btn>
In that case, I tried to open it this way:
<v-btn primary flat @click.native="dialog = true" slot="activator">
But quickly it opens and closes alone. Besides, there’s Picker too, which I saw in the documentation that I have the prop opened
who gets a function, but he doesn’t give an example of how to open, someone can help me?
<v-date-picker v-model="e4" autosave="true" scrollable locale="pt-br" format="DD/MM/YYYY" :date-format="date => new Date(date).toLocaleDateString()" :formatted-value.sync="formatted">
You always help me, thanks rsrs. I haven’t tested the Picker yet, but I’ll try it and come back to tell you if it worked. Hug
– Rafael Augusto