Vuejs: How to share data from one component to another?


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I have two separate components and need that when clicking on a button, it modifies the variable of another component.

For example I have the following component:

var componenteFiltroBusca = new Vue({
     el: '#componenteFiltroBusca',
     data: {
        buscadorText: '(por n° de cupón, importe)',

And when I click a button that’s inside the:

var tabMovimientos = new Vue({
    el: '#tabMovimientos',

I need him to change the text inside the seekerText, how to do this?

  • What is the relationship between them? Do they have any component in common? they are descendants?

  • they have no relationship

2 answers


If the components have no relationship you can create a $bus, or a channel via Vue.prototype and that all components can use to send and listen to events.

Vue.prototype.$bus = new Vue({});

and then on the components you can do like this:

// para avisar o canal de eventos
this.$bus.$emit('increment', a, b, c);

// para receber eventos
this.$bus.$on('increment', function(a, b, c){
  // etc...


Vue.prototype.$bus = new Vue({});
new Vue({
    el: '#botao',
    data: {
        count: 0
    methods: {
        updateCount() {
            this.$bus.$emit('increment', this.count);

new Vue({
    el: '#mostrador',
    data: {
        contador: 0,
    created() {
        this.$bus.$on('increment', val => this.contador = val);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="botao">
    <button type="submit" @click="updateCount">
<div id="mostrador">


Have two elegant ways to do this, or you instantiate the other component within your own and pass the new values via props

Or you use Vuex to build a directional architecture. I hope I’ve helped!

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