Date format configuration in Vuejs/Quasar Framework


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I have a field for inserting the date of birth, and I want the insertion result to be formatted in 'DD-MM-YYYY'. I managed to have the date displayed in the desired format input, but when I send the date to the database it goes like this: "1997-08-19T00:00:00.000-03:00".

I created a function to format the date, but it didn’t work very well:

formatarData () {
    let data = this.pessoa.nascimento
    this.pessoa.nascimento = date.formatDate(data, 'DD-MM-YYYY')

Now it is going to the bank like this: "Nan-Nan-0NaN", how to format so that it exits in the desired form??

  • That one "field for insertion" is it text or is it a calendar with dates to click? What is date in that second line?

  • It’s a Datetime, a calendar to click and choose dates, but I’ve already solved it using Moment.JS. And the date is a Vue import

  • Have you solved the question or the date input part? (and what is date that you have here date.formatDate(?)

  • I managed to solve the question as a whole. The date is a Vue resource, which can be used through a import, but I couldn’t do what I wanted using it, so I used Moment.JS, which worked perfectly.

  • Okay, so you can delete the question or give an answer. If you answer, you need to clarify the question further, because you still can’t tell from the outside.

  • Okay, I’ll answer her, so I can help someone who might need it in the future, feel free to edit it if you feel it’s necessary... Thank you for your attention

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For those who need help, I was able to solve it this way:

formatarData () {
    let data = this.pessoa.nascimento
    this.pessoa.nascimento = moment(data).format('DD/MM/YYYY')

I used the Momentjs to convert the date format. this.pessoa.nascimento refers to the object I am converting the date of birth.

I hope that clarification will be useful for more people as it was for me.

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