Excel file creation error with Phpexcel


Viewed 234 times


I would like to know the correct way to align the text in all columns; adjust the width of all columns; and also apply bold in ranges of cells.

The way my code is, it does correctly, however, generates the error below:

PHP Notice: Undefined index: in /home/menqcom1/public_html/php-excel/Phpexcel/Cell.php on line 820

//Mescla as celulas do titulo

//Alinha o texto a Esquerda

// Definir a largura de todas as colunas    

// Formatar o intervalo A2:E3 a itálico

// Formatar a cor do texto da célula A2 a azul

// Indicação da criação do ficheiro
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');

// Formatar o intervalo A1:F1 a negrito
  • Your Lack of punctuation is disturbing! Is it not because you are formatting the merged cells along with the others not?

  • 1

    Try to change the single quotes for double quotes

  • @Wéllingthonm.Souza managed to solve. the error was because I created the file and then left a cell in bold, that is, I should first apply styles, etc to create the file. thank you

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