How does the process of accessing a database work?


Viewed 153 times


I started studying databases and to access a certain database with JDBC a driver is required for each DBMS (Mysql, SQL Server, Oracle), and the access is done on disk, but how is this process done? DBMS works constantly or only activated when a query is made?

Thanks in advance.

1 answer


Your question is a little confused. But I will try to answer.

  • When you install a database (mysql, postgres and etc) the service of the same must be active, otherwise you will not be able to connect with it. That is, if the service is enabled the DBMS will work constantly!
  • The computer will use processing only with active service.
  • The data query process is done in two steps: 1 - You connect to the database (informs login and password); 2 - Performs the required query
  • Thanks for the answer, in fact it helped a lot, but I still can’t understand the following part: - If the DBMS acts as middleware between the application and the database, because the accesses occur at a low level and not at a more abstract level, if I understand correctly?

  • @jaojpaulo did not understand his doubt. I could clarify better?

  • sorry if I was not clear but I would like to understand how the process of access to the database occurs a little more detailed and if the driver that is used really works as a driver device or is name only.

  • I think I get it. Let’s cite the mysql database as an example. After installation of the same and with the active service it is possible to access it by the terminal or by some management system (mysq Workbench for example). This management system helps us in the manipulation of the data and what is done by it is possible by the terminal. For example: Access the link of this post and you will learn how to access the bank via terminal:

  • Thank you @Karan

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