I’m creating an application to process distributed video in Hadoop using the paradigm map-reduce. I have several videos stored in the cluster and wish from them to create a single video file.
For this, I am extracting the frames of each video in the phase map and send them to phase reduce. Each video is numbered from 1 to 9, and the start of the key of each frame corresponds to the video that originated it, for example the key 11788847 corresponds to a frame of the video 1, on the other hand the key 57845 corresponds to the video number 5. Note that even though the key 11788847 is larger than the key 57845, it must come first so that the frames are grouped according to the video.
For this, I implemented the class SortingCustomComparator
who inherits from WiritableComparator
. Follow the code below:
public class SortingCustomComparator extends WritableComparator{
protected SortingCustomComparator(){
super(Text.class, true);
public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2){
// Converte a string em um inteiro
String key1 = null;
String key2 = null;
try {
key1 = Text.decode(b1, s1, l1);
key2 = Text.decode(b2, s2, l2);
} catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
int keyInt = Integer.valueOf(key1.trim());
int key2Int = Integer.valueOf(key2.trim());
return (keyInt >key2Int) ? 1 : -1;
} }
The problem is that the above code does not have the expected behavior. The created video contains some frames that are placed in random position. I would like the keys to be grouped by blocks. The keys of the first video must be sorted in ascending order and must belong to the set of the first video as well as that of the second one belonging to that of the second one and so on. Ex.: {11, 12, 13, 14, ..., 111, 112}, {2, 21, 22, ...}. At the end these key blocks should be ordered {11, 12, 13, 14, ..., 2, 21, 22}. So the frames will be grouped in the correct order the video will not get bugged. Would anyone know how to implement this correctly?
Already I thank you.
I found this way of ordering very bad. You have no way to choose a better one?
– Victor Stafusa
The problem is that the keys correspond to the frames in their correct order. Each frame of the video one starts with 1, the video two with 2 and so on. All frames of video 1 must come before frames of video 2 otherwise the video recomposition gets bad with multiple frames in random positions.
– Rodrigo Brito