Populating Var Colors with database data


Viewed 33 times


Now it is populating only with a license plate, must be something with my while.

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        .combo-label {margin-bottom:.5em;}
<h4 class="combo-label">Selecione as matrículas:</h4>
<div id="checkboxSelectCombo"></div>

include 'conexao.php';
$sel= "select matricula FROM usuarios WHERE ativo = 1";
$query = mysql_query ($sel, $conexao) or die(mysql_error());


while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($query))
{ ?>
    var colors = [
        { Name: "<?php echo $result['matricula']; ?>" },
<?php } ?>

    $(function () {

            width: 300,
            dataSource: colors,
                textKey: "Name",
                valueKey: "Name",
                multiSelection: {
                    enabled: true,
                    showCheckboxes: true
                dropDownOrientation: "bottom"



  • I did not understand the question. I could not run here by the site, but if save and try to play on the host site it runs good. Wanted help for after making select play on the color there the plates.

  • You have to include the php code you are using, because your question is mostly about php and not javascript. It just so happens that the values php will generate will likely be within a javascript block

1 answer


Your problem is that you’re making a loop where you’re always declaring the same variable, which means you only have one value. Try it this way:


$colors = [];
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
    $colors[] = $result['matricula'];

//converte ARRAY PHP para json
$colors = json_encode($colors);


    var colors = <?= $colors; ?>

but this is bad practice.
I noticed in your code that you’re still using, mysql_*, which is vulnerable to multiple attacks and in future versions of PHP will be removed.

I advise you to use PDO or MYSQLI and tries at most to separate php and javascript.

  • Thanks for the advice, I’m learning in practice.

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