Error using javac in command prompt


Viewed 31 times


I did the procedures in the environment variables but the javac command does not work. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • @bigown, in fact, is even duplicate of this:

  • This way you don’t have much to help, but it’s clear you didn’t do everything you needed to. You have to report how everything is in your environment and see where the error is.

  • @Articuno can be even

  • - Classpath

  • - Java Home

  • - Path

  • @moustache ta ai a print

  • "C: \ program files \ java \ jdk1.xx.xx_xx \ bin \ javac.exe" From the command prompt. You can also tell which executable (if any) is being used with the command:-- for %i in (javac.exe) do @echo %~$PATH:i This is a clean trick similar to what and / or where commands on some UNIX-like operating systems.

  • If the problem is not classpath, then there is no way to know with this image alone. Try to do the procedure from scratch. Reinstall the JDK, then add it to the Windows environment variables, as the link explains, restart the pc and try running again.

  • It is much easier if you post the text in the question instead of these images. Also, instead of posting comments with links, it would be easier if you edit the question. Here’s the tip.

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