PHP does not update file data . txt


Viewed 87 times


I am running a visualization counter for an application, which is stored in a .txt. file, however, the file is always 0. If the file does not exist, it is created, with the value 0 written. However this is never updated every time the app is viewed by another user. The code is found in my AppController in the afterFilter. Every time I test whether the file is updated clean the cache data, the session ceases to exist. What’s the problem with the source?


    public function afterFilter(){
    $counter = APP."webroot/counter/counter.txt";

 // verifica se o ficheiro existe. se não existe cria um com o valor 0.
    if (!file_exists($counter)) {
        $f = fopen($counter, "w") or die("o ficheiro não pode ser aberto");

 // lê o valor do ficheiro
    $f = fopen($counter,"r") or die("o ficheiro não pode ser aberto");;
    $counterVal = fread($f, filesize($counter));

 //verifica se o visitante foi contado, actualiza o ficheiro.
        $f = fopen($counter, "w") or die("o ficheiro não pode ser aberto");;
        fwrite($f, $counterVal);
    $counterVal = str_pad($counterVal, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

  • You can try to use file_get_content and file_put_contents PHP if your server allows.

1 answer


Your code worked correctly here in my tests...


$counter = __DIR__."/counter.txt";

// verifica se o ficheiro existe. se não existe cria um com o valor 0.
if (!file_exists($counter)) {
    $f = fopen($counter, "w") or die("o ficheiro não pode ser aberto");

// lê o valor do ficheiro
$f = fopen($counter,"r") or die("o ficheiro não pode ser aberto");;
$counterVal = fread($f, filesize($counter));

//verifica se o visitante foi contado, actualiza o ficheiro.
    $f = fopen($counter, "w") or die("o ficheiro não pode ser aberto");;
    fwrite($f, $counterVal);
$counterVal = str_pad($counterVal, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

echo $counterVal;

the error in your may be the lack of a / in:

   $counter = APP."/webroot/counter/counter.txt";
  • Strange you didn’t get any warning about that. Previously I had some problems turning on the file but I stopped receiving warnings after putting it as it is in my question. Thank you so much for your help.

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