insert balance into db only after confirmation


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I am making a system for controlling expenses/revenues, and I want to know how to make the amounts of revenue or expenditure if they add to the balance only after confirmation of payment. Ex: register a light bill to pay in the amount of R $ 100,00 in for a week from now. My current balance is R$ 200,00, but I just want the amount of the electricity bill to be deducted from the balance only when I mark the electricity bill as paid. How can I do this using PHP only?

  • I think you have a specification problem. It doesn’t make sense for you to save the balance in the bank. You already have the income and expenses, the balance should always be a calculated amount by adding the revenues and subtracting the expenses.

  • agree with the problem of specification... an account to pay, is only a record, a document, and not a financial movement, in motion yes, you can record the balance.

  • 1

    I think you should enter as expenses in the act of effective payment, before that is Bills to Pay

  • ps. I write the balance in my drive table, since it does not suffer updates or delete, only Inserts, so I have the columns, valor, saldo_anterior, saldo_atual which are populated by subselect within the Insert or Trigger

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