I’m making a change in php, however, an error is appearing
Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in /home/canaljog/public_html/home/pages/principal.php on line 21
Connection to the bank
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=canaljog_website", "canaljog_sa", "tcmm@0105");
The error you are giving is in the main.php that is this
$SQL_F = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categoria WHERE nome_categoria='slider'");
while($ft = mysql_fetch_array($SQL_F)){
$id_ft = $ft['id_categoria'];
$SQL_FN = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM noticias WHERE categoria='$id_ft' ORDER BY id_noticia DESC LIMIT 1");
while($ftn = mysql_fetch_array($SQL_FN)){
<div class="item active">
<a href="pages/noticia.php?id=<?php echo $ftn['id_noticia']; ?>">
<img src="adm/imagens/imgnoticia/<?php echo $ftn['imagem'];?>" alt="<?php echo $ftn['titulo']; ?>" />
<?php } ?>
What could be wrong ?
It is very strange this code, the connection is with PDO the error is with Mysqli and has old functions (
) error says that the first argument to be passed tomysqli_query()
must be the connection.– rray
Dude, your code is so wrong! You’re mixing 3 connection types, PDO, Mysql (which no longer exists in recent versions of php) and Mysqli. Focus on 1!
– Francisco
Ok. I’ll do via mysqli. I’ve already changed the connection. It connected well, but still gives such error. I already changed all mysql to mysqli
– José Júnior
I’ve learned guys !! It was worth help !!!
– José Júnior