Private variable being added to php automatically


Viewed 31 times


I will try to explain the problem, however, I have already said that I could not even find words to research what happened:

I have a file php user.


    class Usuario{

        private $grupoPermissao = array(
                'superAdmin' => array(

        function __construct(){

        public function getGrupoPermissao(){
            return $this->grupoPermissao;

        public function verificaUsuario(){
            if (!$this->usuarioEstaLogado()){
                $flash = new Flash();
                $flash->setFlash('Você não deve fazer login antes de acessar a página!','alert-danger');


The archive process-login.php, redirecting to the index:

$flash = new Flash();
$flash->setFlash('Você efetuou login com sucesso!', 'alert-success');

And the index.php file, with the following code start:

    require_once '../../AutoLoad.php'; 
    $usuario = new Usuario(); $usuario->verificaUsuario(); 

In index, if I log in before giving New in User, and print SESSION, it will print:

        [usuario] => rodrigo_segatto
        [email] => rodrigo_segatto@...
        [nome] => RODRIGO SEGATTO

Otherwise, if you print SESSION after giving New to the user, it will create an object inside with my private variable groupPermissao, as we see below:

    [usuario] => Usuario Object
            [grupoPermissao:Usuario:private] => Array
                    [superAdmin] => Array
                            [0] => rodrigo_segatto
                            [1] => tiago_silva


    [email] => [email protected]
    [nome] => RODRIGO SEGATTO

The strangest that the same system works perfectly local, however, on the server linux occurs this.

  • Are both versions of php the same? The "register_globals" directive in php.ini is "off"?

  • On the server is "On" and local "Off". Will this then?

  • It can be, disable to test. In newer versions of PHP is already disabled, which version is disabled and which of the server?

  • So this must be it, and I discovered that this mess was caused when the class name is the same stored in Sesssion. EX: class Usuario{ == $_SESSION['user'] . So I changed the name of the variables that go to the session and it worked.

  • Good that it worked. But to avoid the risk of creating a variable with the same name and override is nice to disable. Abs

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