How to put a successful Alert into a data insertion via ajax?


Viewed 80 times


I am working on a project in progress and what I need to do on it is put an Alert and refresh the page after entering data in the database. The data are being entered through a spreadsheet, that is, each item is a row of the spreadsheet that contains other many columns. The way I put Alert it is showing Alert for each item that is successfully inserted, that is, if the spreadsheet has 50 items it will show 50 successful Alerts. I wish only one appeared at the end of all being entered.




    var indice = ${itens_camada.size()};
    var valores = "";
    var idCamada =  ${idCamada};
    var idInstituicao =  ${idInstituicao}
    var idMunicipio =  ${idMunicipio}

    for ( var i = 0; i < indice ; i++ ) {

    $("#item_"+i).closest('tr').find("input").each(function() {                                                       
        valores +=   this.value + "┆";                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

    var dados =  "idUsuario=1"
            +"&camposInseridos="+valores.substr(0, valores.length - 1);

            sendPOST(dados, i);

            valores = "";

function sendPOST(dados, i){

    $.ajax( {
        url: "${wsadpa}importar/?"+ dados,                                 
        type: 'POST',                                                                                                    
        processData: false,  
        contentType: false,  

        success: function(data) {                                                                          

        error: function (data, xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

 function Sucesso(i){
    alert("Importação de Dados realizada com sucesso!"); // Aparece para cada item inserido
    location.reaload(); // Funciona OK                  

  • Try to create a counter for each saved record, then in Success you do an if(counter == numberLines) { Alert('Saved') }

1 answer


var qtdRegistros = dados.length;
var contador = 0; 
success: (function(data) { 
 if (contador == dados.length) 

Implement a counter and compare if the entered records are the same amount as your data.

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