Error converting String to Integer type in Nodejs


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in Nodejs I am trying to check the value of a variable of type String, but for some reason nothing is working. Example:

var aaa = "0";  // Eu recebo essa variável como string (não dá para mudar o tipo)

console.log(typeof(aaa));   // String
console.log(Number(aaa));   // NaN   ===> Não deveria ser número 0?
console.log(parseInt(aaa)); // NaN   ===> Não deveria ser número 0?

// Isso sempre dá FALSE
aaa = "1";
if (aaa)

// Isso sempre dá FALSE também
aaa = "1";
if (Number(aaa))

What am I missing?


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/style.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/bootstrap.min.css">
    <script src="/"> </script>
        var socket = io.connect();

        function changeState(state) {
            if (state == 1) {
                socket.emit('changeState', '{"state":1}');
                document.getElementById("outputStatus").innerHTML = "Status: ON";
            } else {
                socket.emit('changeState', '{"state":0}');
                document.getElementById("outputStatus").innerHTML = "Status: OFF";

        socket.on('sensorsUpdate', function (data) {
            var reading = JSON.parse(data);
            document.getElementById("IO_opened").innerHTML = reading.IO_opened;
            document.getElementById("IO_closed").innerHTML = reading.IO_closed;

            if (reading.IO_opened) {
                document.getElementById("IO_opened").className = "exibe";
                document.getElementById("IO_closed").className = "n_exibe";
            } else if (reading.IO_closed) {
                document.getElementById("IO_opened").className = "n_exibe";
                document.getElementById("IO_closed").className = "exibe";
            } else {
                console.log('Open = ' + reading.IO_opened + ' Close = ' + reading.IO_closed);
                document.getElementById("IO_opened").className = "n_exibe";
                document.getElementById("IO_closed").className = "n_exibe";

It never enters these "if (Reading.IO_". It only enters the last "Else". This javascript code is written in a separate file is inserted directly on the page through a view made in PUG/Jade, through a include:

    title= title
    link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
    link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/bootstrap.min.css')
    include ../public/javascripts/sensorStatus.js   //<<<<<====== Include do javascript
  • 2

    You are running the code as? I have tested it here and nothing that you said is happening has happened. See:

  • Yeah... by simulating I also got the same result as you. Let me give you more details: what happens is that I mount my javascript in Nodejs and publish this javascript code in a View made with PUG/Jade. So far so good, considering that the code arrives identical on the page you will be running. Only when handling such a variable of the string type as I showed, it does not present the same results. It is as if the functions Number() and parseint() interpreted invalid values...

  • How do you publish the JS code in the view? You can add this to the question (the final code generated)?

  • 1

    That’s the real code that’s giving trouble?

  • You can put here the result of console.log(typeof aaa, aaa.length, aaa);?

  • @Andersoncarloswoss edited the text of the question to answer his question. Sergio the log of what you requested appears in real code like this: Typeof Io_opened = string Typeof Io_closed = string.

  • Lacked a ) at last if.

  • I’ve corrected... by also adding real code information @Sergio requested: Number(Reading.Io_closed) = Nan Number(Reading.Io_closed) = Nan

  • "I have already corrected" what I mean is that I added ")". But the code still has a problem that I do not know what is...

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1 answer


I figured out where the mistake was.

// Eu estava fazendo isso ERRADO!!
var j = {
    "IO_opened": '"' + ioOp + '"',
    "IO_closed": '"' + ioCl + '"'

// CORRIGIDO: Agora funciona
var j = {
    "IO_opened": ioOp,
    "IO_closed": ioCl

// Esses valores são enviados para a página dessa forma e o JS trata por meio dos "ifs".
s.emit("sensorsUpdate", JSON.stringify(j));

At first I was doing it wrong and instead of IO_opened/IO_closed receive "0" or "1", they received ""0"" or ""1"", with two quotes, which resulted in Number(IO_opened) = NaN in the conversion there in the JS.

This JSON was in another file.... It’s a lot of information for a beginner in Nodejs and JS... I’m very much stuck to the pattern of other languages. Thank you all!

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