Filter texts without wordpress formatting


Viewed 23 times


How could I filter only the text, that is what are outside of the tags, the ones that are in the html tags I want to remain, I just don’t want the ones that are in these [/et_pb_text] tag types or I don’t want to, how to filter only the text? Obs: I’m doing in php, example:

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_code admin_label=""Code"" disabled=""off""][ess_grid alias="Homepage"][/et_pb_code][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=""1_4""][et_pb_text admin_label=""performers-title"" background_layout=""light"" text_orientation=""left"" use_border_color=""off"" border_style=""solid"" custom_margin=""||5px|"" disabled=""off""]

<h2>Based in London and working on events both across the UK and internationally</h2>
Contraband International is a high-end artist, event and entertainment agency. We supply the very best entertainers and performers for all types of <strong>corporate entertainment</strong> events and parties, private celebrations, PR campaigns, marketing stunts and international events. It’s our expertise, creativity and friendly approach which makes us the most sought-after talent and entertainment agency in the UK.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_code admin_label=""Code"" disabled=""off""][ess_grid alias=&quot;Performers&quot;][/et_pb_code][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=""1_4""][et_pb_text admin_label=""Reality TV-title"" background_layout=""light"" text_orientation=""left"" use_border_color=""off"" border_style=""solid"" custom_margin=""||5px|"" disabled=""off"" border_color=""#ffffff""]

I want to filter only what is readable as the contents of H2, H4, and plain text

1 answer


Use wp_kses to filter your content only with tags allowed:

// remove todas as tags exceto as h2
echo wp_kses( $post->post_content, array( 'h2' => array() );

The link has the correct format of the array of the second parameter, which indicates the allowed tags and attributes.

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