Friendly URL whose ID is the headline of the news


Viewed 608 times


I’m trying to implement in the routing system an alias I want, coming from the database. Let’s imagine a news portal where in the table of the comic I have the table "news" where a url is loaded for each news for the url to look something like "". What’s the best way to do that???

Instead of using the numeric ID, I would like to use the headline only.

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1 answer


The easiest way to follow in your case is to use url rewriting in the . htaccess file.

What is a. htaccess file?

The files. htaccess files are Apache access and configuration files, they are files read by Apache every time you try to access a file that is inside a folder (or sub folders) where there is a file .htaccess. In this file we can create access lock rules, URL redirects and rewrites.


# redirect "/section.php?id=xxx" to "/section/xxx"
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} \s/section\.php\?id=([0-9]+)\s [NC]
RewriteRule ^ /section/%1? [R=301,L]

# internally rewrite "/section/xxx" to "/section.php?id=xxx"
RewriteRule ^section/([0-9]+)$ /section.php?id=$1 [L]

To get deeper into the subject follow this step by step, it is very simple to implement!

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