How to show result via ajax and jquery without refresh happening on the page


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I tried to implement an Ajax call in a project and I can’t identify the error. I have a form for posting status and I would like that as soon as I post something it does not refresh the page but shows the result, then in a div.

It turns out that it is redirected to page and goes to / update_post.php when I return to Dashboard the result is in the div of Status. and appears in the lower div. You can publish and display the result immediately?

Follows the code:


<form name="updatePost" method="post" action="update_post.php">

    Nome: <input type="text" class="input-xxlarge" id="status" name="data" /> </br>

    <input style="margin-left:10px" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="POST" onclick="updatePost"/>
       beforeSend: function(data){ 

         success: function(response) {
    error: function(xhr, status, error) {
return false;});


$msg =  $_POST['data'];
$sid = $_SESSION['id'];
$did = $_POST['did'];
$type = 'user';
$sql = "INSERT INTO post(SID,DID,Message,`P/U`) VALUES ('$sid','$did','$msg','$type')";
    if($result = mysqli_query($dbc,$sql) or die('error!!'))
        echo 'OK';


      echo 'Error'; 

There is a div that shows all status below the send form:

<div id="posts" class="span9">
        <br><b>Recent Posts</b><br><br>
        <?php require_once('recent_posts.php');?>
  • Ta even giving Refresh? I tried to reproduce your code more or less here and it worked.

  • Can you explain where these variables come from data:({+input+'did='+did+msg='+msg}),? and what data do you want to send to the server? (because I only see 1 input)

  • Hello, so here’s the problem, I know this is wrong, and it’s not sending anything, no request, I think the data I have to send is the one from update_post.php $msg = $_POST['data']; $sid = $_SESSION['id']; $Did = $_POST['Did']; $type = 'user';

  • But you want to send from the browser to the right PHP? and then only 1 input you want to send?

  • I think yes, I have never touched Ajax, I know very little, what I need, is to send the user post I think is just the $msg = $_POST['data'];, through the input, after clicking the button it should appear in a div, through jquery, without having to refresh the page, I’m sorry I can’t explain more, I’m a student, still learning... From Now on Thank you!

  • I restored my answer from yesterday. I think there’s what you need to do. Read carefully and ask in the reply comments or here if you don’t understand any part. You can use @sergio or someone else to receive an email here on the site. Now I go to sleep but take a look later here.

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1 answer


If you do not want to reload the page by clicking the button changes the type="submit" for type="button" then changes onclick="updatePost" for id="updatePost", so your jQuery selector will already work to be activated when the button is clicked.

In your data do not know where you are getting these values, Javascript lack the question? but I see it should be like this:

    data: $('#status').val()

the other fields you don’t have in question but you can use the same idea: chave: valor

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