JDK 1.8 Genexus X Ev. 2


Viewed 271 times


I wonder if the Genexus X Ev.2 or higher already allows compiling programs generated in Java with JDK 1.8.

I have to do something different?

1 answer


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  • Yes, yes. Programs generated by Genexus X Evolution 2 can be compiled with JDK 1.8. Simply change the properties of the generator to point to JDK 1.8 instead of 1.7 or 1.6.

  • 1

    Paulo, welcome to Stackoverflow in Portuguese! Your answer really answers the question, which is very simple, but without the link it was a little vague, without foundation. Now it’s better. Always try to give more complete answers, citing references when pertinent, and avoid being too short, otherwise you can pass the image you are responding to without knowledge and users can vote negatively how to write a good answer in our Help Center. ;)

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