Android Studio - Print via Windows spooler


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I wonder if there is a way to send the prints via windows spooler. I am making a bar site and as I have many apps connected at the same time in the network, if I have printed directly in the printer, when receiving many requests the printer does not respond due to the timeout and consequently I lose impressions. Imagine you are in a bar and make an order and it does not come pq when the waiter sent his request through the app he did not print in the printer because he has many requests. By windows spooler I know that there is a control (queue) for printing, preventing the printer does not receive the requests and consequently greatly disturbing the customer and the establishment. I’ve been searching the Internet for over a week, and I can’t find anything on it. I’m almost getting fired for not being able to solve the problem and very concerned about the situation. Someone has some help?

  • Just to help you research since no one answered, you are using what technology? Printmanager?

  • Take a look if this question help you.

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