How can I capture Exception from Circuitbreaker (Polly) and generate a log?


Viewed 43 times


I’m trying to capture through Action onBreak, but apparently it never launches Exception on screen.

using Polly;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CircuitBreakingPolly
    public class Program
        public static int n1 = 2;
        public static int n2 = 0;

        private static List<Produtos> produtos = new List<Produtos>();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var result = Execute(() => Divisao(n1, n2), () => Divisao(2, 2));


        public static TResult Execute<TResult, TReset>(Func<TResult> action, Func<TReset> actionReset)

            return Policy
                .CircuitBreaker(4, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), onBreak: (exception, timespan, context) =>
                    Console.Write(exception.Message, timespan);
                , onReset: (context) =>
                , onHalfOpen: () =>

        private static int Divisao(int n1, int n2)
            return n1 / n2;

        internal static void AtualizarNumero(Exception e, int n)
            n2 = n;

1 answer


I discovered that the Circuitbreaker does not work by itself, it is necessary to combine it with another policy like Retry.

In my case it’s like this.

public Task ExecuteCircuitBreaker(Func<Task> action)
            //Program.programStartTime = DateTime.Now;
            // simular o erro
            Program.programStartTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10);

            int totalvezes = 2;
            Task result2 = null;

            //Thread safety
            //PolicyWrap is thread - safe: multiple calls may safely be placed concurrently through a policy instance.
            //Policy reuse
            //PolicyWrap instances may be re - used across multiple call sites.
            //When reusing policies, use an ExecutionKey to distinguish different call - site usages within logging and metrics.

            Policy retryPolicy = Policy.Handle<TimeoutException>().RetryAsync(totalvezes);

            Policy circuitBreakerPolicy = Policy
                .CircuitBreakerAsync(totalvezes, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));

                // you need to combine retry policy with circuit breaker policy. One way to do that would be:
                result2 = retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(() => circuitBreakerPolicy.ExecuteAsync(action, true));

                // or Polly has also now added PolicyWrap which can make the syntax for
                //combining policies even more concise:

                //result2 = retryPolicy.WrapAsync(circuitBreakerPolicy).ExecuteAsync(action, true);
            catch (AggregateException ex)
            catch (Exception ex)

            return result2;

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