How to add an image stored in firebase Torage to imageView inside an infowindow of a Marketer?


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I need to download a firebase image and display it in a custom infowindow on a map.

public class MapaFocosActivity extends AppCompatActivity
        implements NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener, GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener, OnMapReadyCallback , GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter{

    private GoogleMap mMap;
    private FirebaseStorage storage;
    private StorageReference storageRef;
    private ImageView img;
    private View v;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()

        storage = FirebaseStorage.getInstance();
        storageRef = storage.getReferenceFromUrl("gs://");



    public void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker) {


    public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {
        return null;

    public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
        StorageReference imageRef = storageRef.child(marker.getTag().toString()+".jpg");
        v = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.marker_window_info, null);
        img = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;
                .using(new FirebaseImageLoader())
        File localFile = null;
        Bitmap bitmap=null;
        try {
            localFile = File.createTempFile("images", "jpg");
            final File finalLocalFile = localFile;
            imageRef.getFile(localFile).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<FileDownloadTask.TaskSnapshot>() {
                public void onSuccess(FileDownloadTask.TaskSnapshot taskSnapshot) {
                    // Local temp file has been created

            }).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
                public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception exception) {
                    // Handle any errors

            bitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeFile(finalLocalFile.getAbsolutePath());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e("FOTO", "o Arquivo nao foi criado!");

        TextView txt_desc = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
        return v;

I tested and the image does not appear. How can I make it appear in the imageView?

1 answer


You cannot pass the imageReference directly to the Glide as in the excerpt

StorageReference imageRef = storageRef.child(marker.getTag().toString()+".jpg");
                .using(new FirebaseImageLoader())
                .load(imageRef) // <--- Aqui não pode ser assim.

, you have to pass the Redirect download URL directly.

I don’t use the Loader, I always take the Download URL from the file and upload. But one thing I do I leave the reading permission enabled if there is no time it stops to open the image.

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