Items of <p:selectOneMenu/> do not appear


Viewed 316 times


I’m developing a web application and java web jsf primefaces, <f:selectItems/> do not appear

Look at this

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

 <h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="parcelas">
                       <p>Parcelas:</p> <p:selectOneMenu id="tamanhos" value="#{parcela.parcelas}" styleClass="tamanho" effect="fold" editable="true">
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione " itemValue=""/>
        <f:selectItems value="#{parcela.Parcelas()}"/>

                       <h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="tamanho">
                       <p>Tamanho:</p> <p:selectOneMenu id="tamanhos" value="" styleClass="tamanho" effect="fold" editable="true">
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione " itemValue=""/>
        <f:selectItems value="#{tamanho.Tamanhos()}"/>


       public class Tamanho {

     private Map<String,String> tamanhos = new HashMap<String, String>();

private String tamanho;

public  Map<String, String> Tamanhos(){

tamanhos = new HashMap<String, String>();
    tamanhos.put("PP", "PP");

    return tamanhos;

public String getTamanho() {
    return tamanho;

public void setTamanho(String tamanho) {
    this.tamanho = tamanho;

public class Parcelas {

private int parcelas;

 private Map<Integer,Integer> parcela= new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();

 public  Map<Integer, Integer> Parcelas(){

parcela = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    parcela.put(1, 1);
    parcela.put(2, 2);
      parcela.put(3, 3);
        parcela.put(4, 4);
          parcela.put(5, 5);
            parcela.put(6, 6);
              parcela.put(7, 7);

          parcela.put(8, 8);
            parcela.put(9, 9);
                  parcela.put(12, 12);

    return parcela;

public int getParcelas() {
    return parcelas;

public void setParcelas(int parcelas) {
    this.parcelas = parcelas;


1 answer


  • man I put it the way you told me but select items is gone

  • Did you test it too? <f:selectItems value="#{size.Sizes()}" var="t" itemValue="#{t. key}" itemLabel="#{t. value}"/>

  • Face I really think you’ll have to change your get method!

  • It has to look like this public Map<String, String> getTamanho() { Return Sizes; }

  • that’s right, thank you

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