How to change the color of the rows of a table according to the value of each one


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I’m having trouble developing a Function that changes the color of a <tr> based on a specific value of a <td>

I need this Function to do for each line, because they contain different values.

At first the values are "Completed, Delayed, In Progress and New" and all the data were entered manually, but soon will be loaded from the database and will always have the same values.

            <table id="allBatchesTable" style="width: 80%">

                <!-- Essa primeira linha é os nomes das colunas -->
                    <th>Batch ID</th>
                    <th>Batch Size</th>
                    <th>Start Req</th>

                <tr id="idTr">
                    <td id="IDbatchID">B01091</td>
                    <td id="IDproduct">Choco Milk</td>
                    <td id="IDbatchSize">30000</td>
                    <td id="IDpriority">1</td>
                    <td id="IDstartReq">03-31-2017 08:00:00</td>

From here I need to make the line have its background color changed according to the value contained in this <td>

                    <td id="IDstatus">Completed</td>

                    <td>Choco Milk</td>
                    <td>03-30-2017 06:00:00</td>

                    <td>Strawberry Milk</td>
                    <td>04-01-2017 00:00:00</td>
                    <td>In Progress</td>

                    <td>Banana Milk</td>
                    <td>04-01-2017 00:00:00</td>


I managed to make this Function that changes the background color, but the only problem is that it adds the color to all lines. What I need is for each line to have its color changed based on the value contained within the <td>

Completed = Green
Delayed = Red
In Progress = Yellow
New = White


            $(function () {
                var texto = $("#allBatchesTable tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(6)").text();
                var result = (texto);

                if (result == "Completed") {
                    $("#allBatchesTable").css("background", "#00b503");
                } else if (result == "Delayed") {
                    $("#allBatchesTable").css("background", "#f20000");
                } else if (result == "In Progress") {
                    $("#allBatchesTable").css("background", "#ffff00");
                } else if (result == "New") {
                    $("#allBatchesTable").css("background", "#ffffff");
                } else {
                    $("#allBatchesTable").css("background", "#ccc");


On the line var texto = $("#idDaTabela tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(6)").text(); notice that we have tr:nth-child(2) which references the first row of the table and td:nth-child(6) the sixth column of that row.

The only problem I didn’t get a solution was that this Function adds color to all <td>the same color based on the first value found. She was the only one I could get to change the background color, because my previous ones didn’t do anything, even if I had followed that flow.

I hope I made myself understand the doubt I have.

  • What is the language on the server you are generating this HTML with?

  • @Sergio did not understand your question right. I’m sorry, how so?

  • You could do this on the server when you generate this HTML, with logic to join for example a color CSS class you want. This HTML is generated on the server or Javascript?

  • This HTML is generated by Javascript. This HTML is being used as a prototype for the next step I’ll take, I’m new to web development and for now I’ve developed it myself and I don’t have much practice in styling. I can think of a logic to make it work, but I don’t know how.

  • Ok, so can you put the Javascript that generates this table? So it’s easier and better to organize.

  • @Sergio For now this table was created manually, I think I did not respond well. I created the table manually, this is her code. Their data is also there, I have nothing being created via script at first.

  • Okay, and you want to apply those colors to the whole table or just to that line that has Ids?

  • @Sergio So, I want each line to receive the color based on the value found in <td> The rest that does not contain Ids is why I forgot to put. I need Function to always automatically change the colors of all lines that have value. Take into account that I can at this point insert a different value and would like Function to work and change to the appropriate color, as I specified above.

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1 answer


You can do this with structured data, with a JSON for example like this:

var tabela = {
  colunas: ["Batch ID", "Product", "Batch Size", "Priority", "Start Req", "Status"],
  linhas: [
    ["B01091", "Choco Milk", 30000, 1, "03-31-2017 08:00:00", "Completed"],
    ["B01090", "Choco Milk", 30000, 1, "03-30-2017 06:00:00", "Delayed"],
    ["B04551", "Strawberry Milk", 20000, 2, "04-01-2017 00:00:00", "In Progress"],
    ["B03225", "Banana Milk", 15000, 3, "04-01-2017 00:00:00", "New"]

And then generate the table and put those classes or colors you need:

var tabela = {
  "colunas": ["Batch ID", "Product", "Batch Size", "Priority", "Start Req", "Status"],
  "linhas": [
    ["B01091", "Choco Milk", 30000, 1, "03-31-2017 08:00:00", "Completed"],
    ["B01090", "Choco Milk", 30000, 1, "03-30-2017 06:00:00", "Delayed"],
    ["B04551", "Strawberry Milk", 20000, 2, "04-01-2017 00:00:00", "In Progress"],
    ["B03225", "Banana Milk", 15000, 3, "04-01-2017 00:00:00", "New"]
  "cores": {
    "Completed": "#ada",
    "Delayed": "#daa",
    "In Progress": "#add",
    "New": "#fff"

var table = document.querySelector('table');
var head = table.querySelector('thead');
var body = table.querySelector('tbody');

// adicionar colunas
var cols = document.createElement('tr');
tabela.colunas.forEach(function(col) {
  var th = document.createElement('th');
  th.innerHTML = col;

// adicionar linhas
tabela.linhas.forEach(function(linha) {
  var tr = document.createElement('tr');
  linha.forEach(function(col) {
    var td = document.createElement('td');
    td.innerHTML = col;
    if (tabela.cores[col]) = tabela.cores[col];

  • 1

    Thank you @Sergio. You helped me a lot and now I’ll be able to improve my code with your tips. Thank you very much!

  • @Matheusalvesdeoliveira anything! You can also do this with CSS classes. But with this example it is easier to adapt.

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