Modem layout, is it possible to change?


Viewed 96 times


When entering the configuration page of my modem I have the following layout:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I would like to reformulate this page, but I do not know if it is possible, I searched the internet and found nothing specific. If yes what should I do?

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    It should be possible to get the firmware and do "reverse engineering" (depending it may be even simple) to modify it, but I do not believe it is scope of the site. Out it depends a lot on the equipment.

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    Probably won’t do it. Unless you replace the original equipment firmware with a custom firmware of your own (and this goes beyond the admin front end).

  • @Guilhermenascimento, I re-read the topic of help, so I’m inside the information here passed, I don’t want to be banned for a question that other people might be interested in.

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    Where does this page come from? What equipment are you accessing? Did you develop it? Do you know who developed it? Do you have access to firmware? Can you reprogram the hardware? Are you allowed to do this? On the topic of asking says you need to be specific, so give details.

  • @bfavaretto is right. In the case the files on this page are C own modem, correct? ie this inside it?

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    Guilherme, to which link you are directed by clicking on OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE INFORMATION?

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    That’s no reason to ban, you’re not understanding the purpose of the site, closing a question off is not the same as punishing you with 80 lashes, just indicates that the subject is out of scope and is not part of the site and will be closed, has nothing to do with you, only with the subject.

  • @Randrade, to this, I will read, GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991, In case not the same.

  • @Guilhermenascimento, I understand, now I’m smart enough to ask questions.

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    Yes, the modem has an internal web server serving the administration interface. This is stored in an internal memory of the device.

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    To err is normal, I make mistakes every day, what matters is to understand what we do wrong and know how to welcome criticism, of course should not tolerate rudeness :) Good luck.

  • @bfavaretto, got it now, thanks.

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    @Guilhermealves I think I understand, you confused block on the site with ban, are different things, see:

  • @Guilhermenascimento, opa, thanks, okay, the question was answered in the comments, in this case, I delete or leave open?

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    @Guilhermealves I do not know, the people are arguing in the chat about, I do not know what to say, I walk through things, who knows can save.

  • @Guillhermenascimento is well.

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    I found the question interesting.

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    @Renan being interesting and being in the scope are very different things.

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    I have college buddies who at their TCC, they altered the firmware of a modem to suit a certain purpose

  • @Marceloboni however, I don’t know how the firmware works.

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