PHP update com for


Viewed 65 times



I need to update a table with input fields as below:

  <table style="width: 100%;">
   <?php while($dado_produto = $result_produtos->fetch_array()){ ?>
     <td><?php echo $dado_produto['cod']; ?></td>
     <td><?php echo $dado_produto['descricao']; ?></td>
     <td><input type = "text" name="valor[<?php echo $dado_produto['cod']; ?>]"/>
     <input type = "hidden" name="linha[<?php echo $dado_produto['linha']; ?>]"/>
   <?php } ?> 
   <input type="submit"/>

when sending to the.php value file, the error appears:

PHP Fatal error: Call to a Member Function prepare() on a non-object

the code follows below:

if($stmt->prepare("UPDATE `produto` SET (`valor`='?' WHERE `codigo`='?' AND `linha` = '?'")) {  

    $stmt->bind_param('sii', $valor, $cod, $linha);

        $valor = $POST['novo_valor'][$i];
        $cod = $_POST['cod'][$i];
        $linha = $_POST['linha'][$i];


line 35 is the

 if($stmt->prepare("UPDATE `produto` SET (`valor`='?' WHERE `codigo`='?' AND `linha` = '?'")) {

The error concerns that?

  • How are you starting the variable $stmt? You are trying to access a method in a variable that is not an object.

2 answers


Missed the underline and the ; in the end:

$valor = $_POST['novo_valor'][$i];
  • Thanks :), now appears new error PHP Fatal error: Call to a Member Function prepare() on a non-object

  • His variable $stmt is receiving an instance before calling the procedure prepare()? Because the code you posted above doesn’t have that line.


It is necessary to confirm that you have the correct initialization of the object $stmt that has to come from the object representing the database connection:

$mysqli = new mysqli($servidor, $utilizador, $password, $nomeBaseDados);

Then the if becomes:

if($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE `produto` SET `valor`='?' WHERE `codigo`='?' AND `linha` = '?'")) { 

Because the prepare must be called on the object representing the link and returns the Prepared statement, which will then be used within the if.

  • i did as you indicated, but now no error appears, but it does not change anything in my database

  • Now I’m noticing that the consultation itself isn’t right because it has a ( the most in SET(

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