save the data coming from parse (back4app) in mobile memory


Viewed 107 times


I am trying to save the data coming from the parse on the device, when it has connection to the internet it works, but when it does not have it does not work so the data only appear when it has internet

parse offers this code line for the procedure


doubt is where implement - lo on mainActivity? on Adapter?

  • Already tried using Sqlite?!

  • Sqlite no, I’m using parse in my app, and it’s already ready so I can’t change my agr database.

  • I get it, Perse is then in the cell phone but it is not persisting the data. You have to debug your code without internet and see what is happening, in fact debug with and without, to see if you are giving any error etc. Try to check and improve your question, because otherwise no one will be able to help you.

  • No error appears, just want the application to save data coming from offline database on the device.

  • I have never entered information into the internal database using anything other than the native one. You should then read the documentation for this "Parse".


  • How do you take the parse data and show in the application?

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