Run a precedent from a Java application


Viewed 4,752 times


I have a file inside the oracle database, but I would like to run it from a java desktop application that I am developing. How do I run an oracle protocol with java parameters?

  • Have you tried to see if the Oracle Nector does not have the option to run procedures?

  • Not yet, because I have little knowledge in programming.

  • André, have you tried anything yet? Do you want some kind of tutorial? Your question is a little wide. Running procedures is very common in Java and is part of the JDBC standard.

2 answers


The database commands you want to use in your Java application should be done via "Connector JDBC", which a library makes it much easier to connect to the database you need.

In your case, you can download the Oracle here:

I don’t know which IDE you are using, but if it is java I recommend reading this article:

According to Oracle itself, you can use the Nector to make the process:

Regarding the specific question, take a look at how to start a connection with the Nector and after that this code will help you solve the problem. (Link code I mentioned above).

import java.sql.*;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
import oracle.jdbc.*;

public class EmpSearch

  public static void main (String args[]) throws SQLException
   // check whether there are two command-line arguments before proceeding
   if ( args.length < 2)
     System.out.println("Enter both a first and last name as command-line arguments.");
     System.out.println("You can enter a complete name or an initial substring.");
     System.out.println("For example: java EmpSearch j doe");
      // connect to a local XE database as user HR
      OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
      Connection conn = ods.getConnection();

      // call the PL/SQL procedures with the three parameters
      // the first two string parameters (1 and 2) are passed to the procedure
      // as command-line arguments
      // the REF CURSOR parameter (3) is returned from the procedure
      String jobquery = "begin get_emp_info(?, ?, ?); end;";
      CallableStatement callStmt = conn.prepareCall(jobquery);
      callStmt.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
      callStmt.setString(1, args[0]);
      callStmt.setString(2, args[1]);

      // return the result set
      ResultSet rset = (ResultSet)callStmt.getObject(3);

      // determine the number of columns in each row of the result set
      ResultSetMetaData rsetMeta = rset.getMetaData();
      int count = rsetMeta.getColumnCount();

      // print the results, all the columns in each row
      while ( {
          String rsetRow = "";
          for (int i=1; i<=count; i++){
                 rsetRow = rsetRow + " " + rset.getString(i);



Another way to have the same result is by using the class SimpleJdbcCall:

          SimpleJdbcCall call = new SimpleJdbcCall(new JdbcTemplate(getDataSource())).withCatalogName("Owner"."PackageName").withFuctionName("Store Procedure Name");
          SqlParameterSource paramMap = new MapSqlParameterSource()
          .addValue("attribute1", attribute1.getId())
          .addValue("attribute2", Date.valueOf(;

         Long executionId = call.executeFunction(BigDecimal.class, paramMap).longValue();
  • 2

    You’re in the stackoverflow in English. I suggest you translate your answer.

  • Sorry guys, I had answered the same thing in another forum... It won’t happen again. Hug;

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