Cakephp: Upload Error


Viewed 150 times


I am unable to move my images let alone detect the error in the code, and no error messages are displayed on the screen

My Model Photo:

public $validate = array(
        'uploadImg' => array(
                'uploadError' => array(
                    'rule' => 'uploadError',
                    'message' => 'Fail.',
                    'allowEmpty' => TRUE,
                'mineType' => array(
                    'rule' => array('mineType',array('image/gif','image/png','image/jpg','image/jpeg')),
                    'message' => 'JUST (GIF,PNG e JPG).',
                    'allowEmpty' =>TRUE,
                'fileSize' => array(
                        'rule' => array(
                            'fileSize', '<=', '1MB'
                        'message' => 'Photos < 1MB',
                        'allowEmpty' => TRUE
                'processCoverUpload' => array(
                        'rule' => 'processCoverUpload',
                        'message' => 'Cover Image Upload'

public function processCoverUpload($check = array()){
        return FALSE;
    if(!move_uploaded_file($check['uploadImg']['tmp_name'], WWW_ROT.'img'.DS.'uploads'.DS.$check['uploadImg']['name'])){
        return FALSE;
    $this->data[$this->alias]['uploadImg'] = 'uploads'.DS.$check['uploads']['name'];
        return TRUE;

My Controller

public function add(){
            $data = $this->request->data['Photo'];

                $this->Session->setFlash(_('Imagem salva'));                
                return $this->redirect(array('controller'=> 'home', 'action' => 'index'));
                $this->Session->setFlash(_('Não conseguimos salvar'));

And my form:

<?php  print $this->Form->create('Photo', array('action'=>'add', 'type' => 'file'));  ?>
        <?php print $this->Form->input('Image:', array('type' => 'file', 'name' => 'uploadImg')); ?>        
        <?php print $this->Form->end(_("Save")); ?>

Debugging the array to see if tmp is coming I didn’t find anything strange so it seems to me

'form' => array( 'uploadImg' => array( 
'name' => '1503852_509064475876526_1876445108_n.jpg', 
'type' => 'image/jpeg', 
'tmp_name' => 'C:\Program Files (x86)\xamp\tmp\php5AA.tmp', 
'error' => (int) 0, 'size' => (int) 8411 ) )

If anyone can help me, I’m unable to identify the problem, and I’m learning how to use cake.

@Edit: Well, some tests I did, I realize that maybe there is an error inside my first IF clause in the processCoverUpload function, it’s falling in Return, but as I had already identified what kind of data this coming my array, as above, 'tmp_name' seems to be right not?

  • Enable the debugging mode of the framework to find error log clues.

1 answer


Hello, I’m not a cakephp expert, but it could be a typo between: mimetype and mineType, where the correct would be: mimetype.

Change your $validate array in Model Photo as follows

public $validate = array(
    'uploadImg' => array(
            'uploadError' => array(
                'rule' => 'uploadError',
                'message' => 'Fail.',
                'allowEmpty' => TRUE,
            'mimeType' => array(
                'rule' => array('mimeType',array('image/gif','image/png','image/jpg','image/jpeg')),
                'message' => 'JUST (GIF,PNG e JPG).',
                'allowEmpty' =>TRUE,
            'fileSize' => array(
                    'rule' => array(
                        'fileSize', '<=', '1MB'
                    'message' => 'Photos < 1MB',
                    'allowEmpty' => TRUE
            'processCoverUpload' => array(
                    'rule' => 'processCoverUpload',
                    'message' => 'Cover Image Upload'
  • 1

    Edited by @Andrey

  • Better now =)

  • Excellent perception :) I appreciate it, I fixed it but I still can’t move the file! I’ll give an update with a little more details

  • The file can be created in the temporary folder?

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