I have a string $numero
and it returns several numbers.
I also have a home page (index.php) with a form as follows:
<div width="100%" height="100%" align="center">
<!-- htaccess tratando o pagina/ para pagina.php -->
<form name="formulario" id="formulario" method="post" action="pagina/">
<input type="text" name="numero" id="numero">
<input type="hidden" name="inicial" id="inicial" value="S">
<input type="hidden" name="ws" id="ws">
<input type="button" value="Consultar" onclick="formulario.ws.value=0; submit()" />
<input type="button" value="Consultar + webservice" onclick="formulario.ws.value=1; submit()" />
The homepage has two buttons. In addition, there is a page (page.php) that handles the search, saved in the database the search among others .
When I enter index.php and fill in the number and click on the second button2 (Query + webservice) it returns what I need on the.php page.
How do I make the automatic searches with a time space X using my string $numero
That is, I want to optimize the time and not have to search for the index.php form, I mean, I want something automatic (with space of time X) that uses $numero and go do the searches and saving in the database.
What is the need to do the automatic searches and still in a certain time, if you put a function equal to setInterval(Function() {scope},tempo) of Jquery will do this, more is not recommended as the application will be using server resource.
@HENRIQUELOBO, is that I have a relationship with several numbers I want to research and the webservice accepts requests every 3 seconds. And I want to optimize to not have to do 1 by 1, IE, filling in the field and click search.
– Marcelo