Registration confirmation


Viewed 54 times


I am trying to send an email to validate the registration of a user, this and my code.

    $id = mysql_insert_id($connect);

    // Criar as variaveis para validar o email
    $url =sprintf( 'id=%s&email=%s&uid=%s&key=%s',$id, md5($email), 

    $mensagem = 'Para confirmar seu cadastro acesse o link:'."\n";
    $mensagem .= sprintf('',$url);

    $headers = "From:".$from;

But when I put that part the email is not sent: $id = mysql_insert_id($connect);

What should I do?

  • Which version of PHP?

  • This extension has been deprecated since PHP 5.5.0 and has been removed in PHP 7.0.0. Use Mysqli or Pdo_mysql alternatively.

  • Thanks, it worked out !

  • No error appears on the screen, or in the error logs you have checked?

1 answer


The extent mysql is obsolete, in its place use the mysqli. For more details see documentation

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