C++ Reduction of space spent


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I’m creating a c++ project with Allegro 5 using code::Blocks, and I put the Allegro files right into the project folder to make it simpler. I’m only using functions to display images and text with ttf fonts and detect mouse and keyboard events, but Allegro is much bigger than that. So my project that should have use some 5 to 10 MB, ends up getting 80. I wanted to know how to identify which files are redundant and remove.
I installed the Allegro placing the folders include and lib in the briefcase allegro, inside the project folder, and the contents of the folder bin next to the compiled program, making the necessary links in code::Blocks so that it recognizes these files as part of the project. So the compiled program, even small, depends on the dll files and the ones in the folder allegro

  • Your question is how to decrease the size of the project itself, or the program after it is compiled?

  • Decrease the size of the project because, if I’m not mistaken, I can’t use the compiled program without being in the project folder

  • You could install Allegro outside the project and reference where Allegro was installed within the project. (reply SO) [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5862757/how-do-i-link-to-a-library-with-codeblocks]

  • @lemoce when I pass the program to the user, it will work even without it having these files?

  • It will have to install Allegro on the machine. Or you can create an installer and install the dll’s in the correct directories.

  • @lemoce But there’s no way I can identify what I don’t use to save space?

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