Two different types of registration with firebase


Viewed 133 times


Hey, guys, I’m having a hard time putting together a registration system with two different users, I’d like to be registering an Adm user and a common user, however I am displaying the data in a Ragment with firebase and for that I need to pass a Child with the parameter from where it will fetch the data... But with the error Adm it, error in which I should pass Child with the Adm node to solve ... How to change the types of users who would log in and pass these parameters to this Child based on the user’s choice, or how to do for firebase to pull data from two different Hilds in the same reference ???

  • 1

    I think it is not possible, you would have to do two searches and combine the data in some way, there is no Union or Join in firebase.

  • Wouldn’t there be a way to process this data and pass in a variable string with the value of the node ??? The problem would be to get the user options in the login... It would select the login option and dps I would have to pass this option, a value for the Fragment with the variable with Child

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