I need the following: I got what was typed in the input with the code below and I go to the url: http://bonusdogeronimo.com.br/rtv/indez.php
$.post("http://bonusdogeronimo.com.br/rtv/indez.php", {
email : $("form #email").val()
}, function(result){
var resultParse = JSON.parse(result);
if(resultParse.status == "valid"){
alert("Parece que você digitou um e-mail errado!");
In my Index.php I have this code where I get the result of json passing email and api by GET
//$email = '[email protected]';
$apikey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$email = $_GET['email'];
// Inicia o cURL acessando uma URL
$cURL = curl_init("https://bpi.briteverify.com/emails.json?address=" .
$email . '&apikey=' . $apikey);
// Define a opção que diz que você quer receber o resultado encontrado
curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// Executa a consulta, conectando-se ao site e salvando o resultado na
variável $resultado
$resultado = curl_exec($cURL);
$json = json_decode($resultado, true);
// Encerra a conexão com o site
//print $resultado;
print '<br>';
echo 'E-mail: ' . $json['status'];
print '<br>';
so far everything works, but I can not get back in my first code the response of the api, I need to return to the first script the result of $json['status']; if it is Valid or invalid, so entered the IF of the first script
if(resultParse.status == "valid"){
alert("Parece que você digitou um e-mail errado!");
This URL here --> http://egratitude.com.br/src/sources/avulsos/returnpath.php does exactly what I need, but I can’t see how the guy did, because when accessing this url it already brings the result of json.
How is it working if you are sending with
and in PHP you are picking up via$_GET
..... What magic have you done? kkkk– Don't Panic
Removes all the
in your PHP and echoecho json_encode(array('status'=>$json['status']));
or give a direct echo on$json
.– Don't Panic