Consuming Json from an aquivo


Viewed 71 times


good morning,I created a JSON file and I’m having difficulty listing the data from it, I can from the controller, but I would like it to be displayed from the json, how should I proceed ?

  • 2

    You can show the code where you need to use JSON?

  • I am studying angular and created a JSON file and would like you to display on the table how to do this

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1 answer


The request to read data from a JSON file basically acts as a GET request for an API from a backend application.

You can do inside a Factory:

function recuperar(){
    return $http.get("api/arquivo.json").then(function(resposta){
        service.arquivo =;

Where "api/file.json" is the address, from the root of your project, of where the JSON file is.

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