Java Perspective Message


Viewed 65 times


Java Perspective

The message is being presented every time I run Eclipse and create a new Project, someone can explain to me the reason for the message?

  • 1

    What kind of project have you created a java? Jee?

  • I created my project running as follows: File -> New -> Java Project

  • 1

    For example I am working on a Jee project (with the same perspective) if I create a new java project it will ask if I want to change the perspective. Another location where this occurs is when debugging some code it will ask if you want to change perspective.

1 answer


Each type of project shows certain characteristics, whenever creating or changing a project the eclipse will ask if you want to change to a suitable perspective for the project. Another situation where this occurs is when debugging the project.

To deactivate this question do the following procedure. Access the menu:


In the box that opens check the option never open

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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