Fixed Zoom by Area and Point


Viewed 29 times


Sometimes work with very large process flow that makes it impossible to create continuity points in more flows.

I thought of creating in Javascript a "photos" viewer that could mark via a line of several rectangles in the entire stream. By clicking on each rectangle would be given a single zoom of that part across the screen.

Already with this zoom, could create transparent Divs type text boxes explaining each step of the flow.

Finally, when clicking again at any point I would return to the home screen with large flow for a new click of any other point that wants details.

I think that would streamline the documentation of large flows!

Think about using the map area Shape rect, but I’m a little rusty and do not know how to assign its dimensions to the screen size in a click on your area.

Any other way to resolve yourself in the same line of reasoning would be of great value!

Someone could help me?

  • Let me get this straight: you want to have "rectangles" on the page that can grow to use the whole page, and they can have other sub-rectangles. That’s it?

  • Perfect, Sergio!

  • I’m waiting for something to help me think......

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