Can someone tell me why my code doesn’t run the System.out.println("");
end if the if returns true
public static void tabelear (int tabela[][]){
for(int linha=0;linha < tabela.length; linha++){
for(int coluna=0; coluna < tabela[linha].length ; coluna++ ){
System.out.print(tabela[linha][coluna]+" ");
if (coluna-1 == tabela[linha].length){
How do you know it doesn’t perform? It’s empty.
– Jéf Bueno
Yes but not supposed to run println , ie make a paragraph, ?
– Pedro Gouveia
What is the purpose of this code?
– user28595
When he should make a new paragraph with that 'Sout'?
– Paulo H. Hartmann
diegofm this is a method for other arrays.
– Pedro Gouveia