Hey there, guys. I’m trying to do a function to delete a node from an xml, but I have a problem that is the following: In pure javascript just by me
inside the html tag for him to pass the parameter coming as php echo. However, I’m having trouble doing something similar in jquery. I just replaced php with
$(this). attr("id")
Why are you inside a each. Can you help me? Note: I already tested creating the function inside the jquery ready and it didn’t work.
The xml I’m using is this
<dados><usuarios><usuario id="1"><login>marcos</login><senha>15</senha></usuario></usuarios><gastos><gasto user="1" id="1"><descricao>bk</descricao><valor>20</valor></gasto><gasto user="1" id="2"><descricao>mcdonalds</descricao><valor>15</valor></gasto></gastos></dados>
I need to display the expenses in a table, then my jquery looks like this:
$(xml).find("gasto").each(function() {
if($(this).attr("user") == user) {
$("#tablex tr:last").after("<tr><td>"+$(this).find("descricao").text()+"</td><td>"+$(this).find("valor").text()+'</td><td><button onclick="apagarGasto('+$(this).attr("id")+')">X</button></td><td><button class="up">U</button></td></tr>');
Inside the onclick you can see that I am trying to pass the expense id attribute. However, if I put the erase functionGost inside the $(documento).ready(function)
it shows me on the console that the function is undefined, ie that it does not exist. So I thought that the normal pure javascript onclick doesn’t work when using jquery, am I right? So, I need a way that I can pass the expense id parameter to a function within jquery. Please if I haven’t been clear enough, tell me! Thank you in advance!
Do you want to remove the clicked node, is that it? Add the xml related to the problem to make it clearer.
– Sergio
In addition to what Sergio asked for, if you can please put the js code that you’re running in one piece, it’s easier for us to help. (=
– Aline
No. js default listeners work in any condition. Their function: deleteGasto, must be inside the script tags and outside of $(Document). ready.
– Aline